Lord, Teach Us To Pray

Sermon Series: The Lord's Prayer

Pastor Don Petker

Jesus’ disciples asked him to teach them to pray.  Before he gave them the “Lord’s Prayer” he offered three cautions;

a)       When you pray guard your motivation

b)      When you pray guard your communication         

c)       When you pray guard your expectations


1.       What was it about Jesus’ prayer life that prompted the disciples to ask Jesus to teach them how to pray?

2.       What are some wrong motivations for prayer?

3.       Prayer is at the heart of our relationship with God.  How do our communication patterns impact that relationship?

4.       What expectations do we bring to our praying?  Which are helpful?  Which are a hindrance?

5.       If you could ask Jesus to help you with your prayer life, what would you ask for?

6.       Conversations about prayer always raise questions.  If you have questions re prayer, send them to me at don@clearbrookmb.ca and I will attempt to address them in the upcoming sermons.


Clearbrook MB Church
2719 Clearbrook Road
Abbotsford, BC
V2T 2Y9

Bible Reference:

Luke 11:1

Matthew 6:5-13