Like Father - Like Son - John 5

Sermon Series: John

Pastor Denis Federau

1.  The Gospel of John does not portray Jesus in the same way as Matthew, Mark, and Luke. What is unique in John’s Gospel, and what was the purpose for  writing his Gospel?


2.  Many sick people were sitting by the pool, but Jesus asked one particular man if he wanted to get healed. Why did Jesus heal the lame man by the pool of Bethesda?


3.  In this chapter, we see an increased hostility from the Pharisees towards Jesus. Why did the Pharisees begin the plot to kill Jesus? What was at the core of their anger?


4.  All of us have inherited some of our parent’s looks or character traits. How does Jesus describe his relationship with God?


5.  Jesus demonstrates that he is the Son of God and equates himself with God. What are the implications for us today?


6.  Jesus tells his audience that he can only do what he sees his Father doing. In what ways are we reflecting God’s character? Are there areas where we fail to reflect God?




Clearbrook MB Church
2719 Clearbrook Road
Abbotsford, BC
V2T 2Y9

Bible Reference:

John 5