You would think that being blind is something you would notice. How could anyone be unaware of it? Yet the Scripture teaches that there was a time when we were all blind, and blind to our blindness! (2 Corinthians 3:12-4:6)  Everyone is born insensitive to spiritual light. Our souls are veiled to the truth. We arrive to this life in darkness and apart from Jesus, we live out our lives in that same opaqueness. Worse yet, we didn’t know that we were sightless. No amount of reasoning or argument would convince us that we lived in a spiritual blackout. God had to shine His light into us. Only the brightness of the Spirit could reveal our dark soul. The gospel shining in the Face of Jesus Christ dispelled the darkness. In Jesus we see who and what we are. In Jesus we see God filled with grace and truth for our living. As John Newton said, “I once was blind but now I see.” But, do we see all things well?

Despite the brilliance of God’s gospel, I have to admit I still have shadows. Only the naive suggest that we see all things fully even after illumination. I have areas of error in my thinking and places where my conduct eclipse the light of truth. I still have pockets of stubborn murk which resist God’s glare. Paul says that the light of God by which we see is a transforming illumination taking us from one glory to a better glory.  We grow slowly like the dawning of a sunrise. I can name some of my shadows and present these before God for change. But even once that is done, I have to confess. There is dusk within me that I don’t see - shadiness I can’t recognize and name. Even as before faith, I did not know I was blind, so now in faith, there are sins I do not see. Out of mercy, God does not overwhelm me. While He is both patient and kind to my mottling, He is not indifferent. I have blind spots. God sees all.

What sort of things qualify as blind spots? Consider:

Racism which considers privilege as normal.

Manipulation and control masked as helping.

Fear disguised as common sense.

Coldness of heart considered only a personality quirk.

Greed which declares it is security. Anger which manifests as righteous concern.

These are blind spots and the list is far from complete. If we can readily name matters in others but think we’re immune, we have blind spots. If we sense defensive anger at the mention of these matters, we have blind spots. If it has been too long since we could name an area of soul change, we have blind spots. But there’s good news. God is light. Our blind spots can be healed. God in mercy can lead us into His light. So we pray, “Search me O God and know my heart…” Ps.139:23