A Change

By: Scott Tolhurst

This page of our bulletin is usually focused on our common experience of following Jesus. We are pilgrims, trying to keep in step with our Lord. Today, I use this space to inform you of my own pilgrimage. God is taking Miriam and me in a new direction. It is an unexpected turn in the road for us - but we have no doubt about His leading.

We are about to enter into a new venture with family members. We seek to purchase property where we can live together. It’s a decision to help family and also be helped by family, as we enter our more senior years. What started as a conversation about “someday” has become a reality for this summer. It will require a geographic change and since I cannot pastor Clearbrook from a distance, I have submitted my resignation to our Council - effective May 15/22.

If I had two hearts, one would beat with family and the other be at home with you. But, I have only one heart and it is torn. I recognize the suddenness of this decision and the impact that it has upon Clearbrook. I cannot deny my sense of calling, but neither can I explain the reasoning of heaven about the timing of it. I can’t see how the entire puzzle fits together. I do have to be true to my small piece. So there is much I do not know - but here is what I do know. Grace is not a competition. God does not extend His blessings to some at the expense of others. We do not jostle for His kindness. No one is ever short changed by Jesus. So, whatever this transition means for Miriam and me, is not a detriment to Clearbrook. God is the Great Shepherd who cares for His flock; all of us - all at the same time. You can be confident in His care. Our concerns and questions do not have final voice. Grace does.

I also know that my time with you, while brief, has not been a miscue. You have been generous with your hearts and supportive with your prayers. I did not know what it would be like to pastor a church, mature in faith and years. I have concluded that every pastor should have the good fortune to worship and serve with a congregation like Clearbrook. I am not naive about our challenges and recognize that the pandemic has not made matters any easier. But none of that diminishes the privilege and honour it is to serve you. The Spirit of God creates tight bonds between shepherds and sheep. Ministry requires it. Those bonds are not broken by time or distance. They continue all the way to eternity, where they are renewed into perpetual perfection. Change does not curtail God’s unchanging love for us and among us. That is His promise and our comfort.

With deep gratitude and love,

Pastor Scott & Miriam